1 Quarter For Rent RM of Garry No. 245 (5 year term) 
Cash rent only, 5 year term
- Sold Winning Bid: $53.00
- 24 Bid(s) Reserve Price Met View Bid History
- High Bidder: 1769069
- RM Name RM of Garry
- RM Number 245
- Lease Type Cash Rent
- Desired Length of Lease 3
- Lease Start Date Monday, January 11, 2021
- Total Land Area in Acre 160
- Bins Included none
- Outbuildings Included none
- Nearest Town Goodeve
- Map URL https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/embed?mid=1Huz90pmAfvFAs_r-7z-BGuqmGTSaRV2t
- Tags farmland for rent, rm 245, RM of Garry No. 245
- Lot # 01
- System ID # 177595
- End Date
- Start Date
5 year term
Legal: NW 10-25 -09 W2 Soil: H Assessment $192 900 Cultivated acres: 142.00 Total Acres 160
High quality crop land, Open and flat , 142 cultivated acres of clay loam soil. SAMA final rating 63.16.
land is currently used for hay / pasture. Tenant has to farm it for grain production. cash rent only, 5 year term.
bid is the rental per acre per year. Annual rental will be winning bid times 142 acres.
If land is sold before March 31 of 2021, the lease contract will be canceled.
Winning bidder will not necessarily be accepted as tenant. Subject to review & approval of Winning Bidder's Renter Profile.
Terms and Conditions:
See individual lot for exact bidding starting and closing times.
Extended Bidding is effective. Check event details for Auto Extend Increment.
You cannot change or remove bids once you submit them. Bidders should review the lot description as well as their bid amounts. However, higher bidders can change their Maximum Bid down to the current price of their lot.